Paracord Care and Storage

Protect Your Paracord from Chemicals:  You will generally want to protect your Paracord from exposure to chemicals, like bleach, kerosene, oil, gasoline, “white gas” (like for camping stoves and lanterns), lye, paint, paint thinner, turpentine, acid, and other chemicals, especially those which might react with or weaken the nylon.

Store Your Paracord in a Cool, Dry Place:  Even though your Paracord will not rot or mildew when exposed to water, it is better stored in a cool, dry place, out of extended periods of direct sunlight.

Use Caution with Your Paracord Around Open Flames or Extreme Heat:  Your Paracord is flammable, although not explosive.  So do not allow your Paracord to come into direct contact with open flames (campfire) or extreme heat (camping lantern).  (See below for information about cutting and burning the ends of your paracord.)

BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN Cutting and Burning Your Paracord:  When you cut your paracord to shorter lengths, it is best to use a sharp knife or sharp scissors, and make a “clean” cut.

To keep the multiple ends of the inner strands from unraveling, you can simply tie an overhand knot in the bitter end of the paracord.  This will also help you to find the end of your Paracord when you want to use it.

Or, some people prefer to burn the cut ends of the paracord with a lighter or match.  This will melt the ends of the nylon together so that they don’t unravel.

Another method of binding the ends of your paracord together is to dip the cut or frayed ends into a dab of glue, and then let the glue dry.  This method is a bit more time-consuming, but certainly safer, especially for children who are using paracord but are not ready to use sharp knives, matches or lighters.

Be extremely careful with matches and lighters.  And DO NOT TOUCH the hot nylon just after you have melted it.  The hot, molten nylon can stick to your skin and cause a very nasty burn.

Protect Your Paracord from Dirt, Abrasion and Unnecessary Knots:  Be careful not to drop your Paracord in the dirt and walk on it, or scrape it over the sharp edges, like those of of rocks or metal or concrete or trees.  Your paracord is RESISTANT to abrasion, but can be damaged by abuse.

Do not let pets or other animals chew on your paracord, as this will surely damage it.  And keep your Paracord from getting unnecessary knots in it, as knots weaken all types or string, line and rope.

With just a minimum of care, your paracord will serve you well for years to come.

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